Linda Brantley Davis is76 years old. She was Mobile’s 1965 Azalea Trail Queen. Davis have three beautiful daughters with six grand children and four greats.
She am a University of South Al graduate Bachelor of Arts. Career in public relations and marketing and is married to Ronnie Davis 54 years.
"I wrote my Book 'A TOUCH of Pink' to honor the founding fathers, Jaycees, and Mobile Business men and women )of the Azalea Trail Festival and the Azalea Trail Maids past and present. These young ladies are dedicated ambassadors to Mobile.
I realized years ago there was NO BOOK ever written about the Trail’s history. Lots of newspaper and magazine articles but NO BOOK. So I have made it my mission to Write one to give back to The citizens of Mobile who were so kind to me during my reign as Queen.
My book has touched so many maids who have loved my book and appreciate my honoring them. It’s a beautiful coffee table book that I’m so proud of. It has so much history, fun stories, and vintage photos.In my book I have listed Oakleigh as one of my favorite places of interest. I spent many hours there as Queen and later in my life. Being there on Oct 12th will be so fun for me."