2024 Preservation Awards
This list includes the people and properties we honored at our 2024 annual fundraising event, Columns and Cocktails. If you would like to nominate a person or property for a future award, please email nominations to hmps@bellsouth.net.

For Residential Restoration
Mr. Steve May
259 North Dearborn
For Continued Efforts in Preservation
Mr. Bill Boswell

For Commercial Restoration
Mr. John Kilpatrick
Veterans Recovery Center
1200 Spring Hill Avenue
For Continued Care
Ms. Kelly McKean
The Kate Shepard House
1552 Monterey Place

For Continued Care
Clyde and Sarah Helmer
950 Government Street
2023 Preservation Awards
For Continued Care:
The Daughters of the American Revolution, The Richards-DAR House, 256 Joachim Street
For Restoration:
Mr. Murphy Bishop, Al Marye Apartments, 1006 Government Street
Mr. Murphy Bishop, Inge House, 1410 Government Street
For Efforts in Historic Preservation:
Mr. Stephen McNair
For Commercial Restoration:
Mr. Matt LeMond, The Insider, 518 Dauphin Street
For New Construction:
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Rogers, 15 Semmes Avenue
For Residential Restoration:
Ms. Jennifer Nissim, 1008 Government Street
2022 Preservation Awards
Chinaberry, BRPC Holdings, LLC
3703 Old Shell Road
Olde Mobile Antique Gallery
633 St Louis Street
Ezell House
407 Conti Street
19 Columns, Bryan James Olson
1802 Old Government Street
Steven May, for his efforts in preserving Mobile's architectural history
Robert Isakson, for his efforts in preserving Mobile's architectural history
Restore Mobile, Inc
Friends of Magnolia Cemetery, Inc
Barton Academy Foundation
Downtown Mobile Alliance
City of Mobile Architectural Review